
At Oakfield Primary Academy, our writing in English lessons is text driven and fuelled by CLPE: 'The Power of Reading' and 'Literacy Shed', to fully immerse our children into the text which is being read. Through these schemes and a wealth of other exposures to high quality texts, we aim to teach children the craft of writing, to develop their confidence and skills to write for a range of purposes and audiences. The specific teaching of grammar and writing composition are embedded throughout our English curriculum and taught in a systematic way, ensuring regular opportunities to practise, apply and revisit skills so that our children are able to master these.

We use the Nelson Handwriting Scheme in order to teach handwriting consistently across school.  We recognise that literacy skills should be regularly applied in every subject area and that, where appropriate, English teaching should be linked to work in other areas of the curriculum. This allows for further application of skills and reinforcement of learning.

At Oakfield Primary Academy, we regularly recap genres and skills across the key stages and ensure our children have a good understanding of these. To check our children’s progress against the National Curriculum, we use assessment for learning effectively in order to identify gaps in learning for our children and then plan teaching to target and address these. This assessment for learning promotes retention and confidence amongst our children.
