Oakfield Primary Academy

Welcome to

Oakfield Primary Academy

  1. Curriculum
  2. Curriculum
  3. Assessment

We are proud of ourselves. We are proud of each other. We are proud of our community. 


At Oakfield Primary Academy, assessment is is a way of supporting learning. It helps teachers, learners, parents and others to understand the depth and breadth of learning undertaken so that progress and next steps can be discussed and planned. Assessment at Oakfield Primary Academy is about building a picture over time of a child’s learning progress across the curriculum. Your child's teachers will use different ways to gather evidence about how and what the child learns on an ongoing basis. This information is used to celebrate the child’s current learning, and to help make decisions about next steps for future learning. Statutory assessment plays an important role in ensuring that every child is supported to leave primary school prepared to succeed. At OPA we have assessment points at regular intervals throughout the academic year to ensure that your child is progressing and that we are doing every thing that we can to help them achieve their full potential.