Oakfield Primary Academy

Welcome to

Oakfield Primary Academy

  1. Home School Learning 2020
  2. Year Two
If you would like to contact Miss Robinson, please send an email to Robinson.S@welearn365.com
We ask that you only use this channel if Miss Robinson is your child's class teacher and to: share learning; allow contact between your child and their teacher or to ask for advice and guidance about any learning tasks set.
We ask that is you have any additional queries or concerns that you continue to raise these via. our admin2419@welearn365.com email address or for any safeguarding concerns, you follow guidance in our COVID-19 Safeguarding Policy Update which can be found in the safeguarding tab on the Home Learning section of our school website.
We look forward to seeing and sharing all the wonderful work which you have been creating and remember that you are all doing an amazing job!

Home Learning Heroes!

Year Two


Hello all, 


I hope you are all well and keeping very busy at home with your home learning activities! 


Whilst you are at home there are lots of things other than your home learning packs which can help you embed skills you will have learnt at school. Below are the objectives that Year 2 children are assessed against and some ideas of how you can practice them at home. 



  • Read scales in divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens: cooking your favourite foods and weighing ingredients. Using a thermometer, can you monitor the daily temperature?
  • Add and subtract any 2 digit numbers using written methods and apparatus: practicing column addition and subtraction, adding up prices of items in the supermarket, using sweets, biscuits, pencils to practice adding and subtracting.
  • Recall multiplication and division facts of 2, 5 and 10:
  • Counting in 2s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCxvNtrcDIs 
  • Counting in 5s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amxVL9KUmq8
  • Counting in 10s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7stosHbZZZg
  • Identify 1 half, 1 quarter, 2 quarters, 3 quarters,  1 third, 2 thirds of a shape: Cutting pizzas, cakes or even fruit! Can you make your own fruit kebabs using quarters of bananas, half of strawberries and whole blueberries?
  • Use different coins to make the same amount: Practice using coins to play shops at home! Can you work out how much change you would need?  
  • Read the time on the clock to the nearest 15 minutes: Ask your parents to test you on telling the time at different intervals throughout the day. 
  • Name and describe the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes: What shapes can you find around your house? How many sides, vertices and edges does it have? Can you find any with lines of symmetry?



  • Pupils can read fluently, self correcting and checking it makes sense to them: Read your book to an adult or sibling.
  • Pupil can answer questions about what they have just read and make inferences about what the text is telling them: Get an adult to ask your questions about what you have read. If there is not an adult to ask, can your write a book review about the book. Would you recommend it to a friend? Why? Can you use a Venn diagram to compare this book to another one? Take a look in your pack for ideas. 
  • Read the common exception words for Year 2: This list is in your pack and attached down below. Challenge yourself, can you read more than you could yesterday?  



  • Write simple, coherent narratives about real and fictional events: Can you write a diary entry about what you have done during your time off or can you retell your favourite story?Make sure you use your skills to improve it.
  • Demarcate most sentences with capital letters, full stops and use question marks correctly where needed: When you have written your work, can you self edit to ensure you have full stops and capital letters? 
  • Use co-ordinating and suborinating conjunctions to join sentences together: After you have written some information, can you improve it by adding more? Remember to use because, and, so, if, when, but, or. 
  • Write the common exception words correctly: This list is in your pack and attached down below. Challenge yourself, can you write more than you could yesterday?  

Fancy a challenge? Take a look at the 10 minute challenges! 

Best selling authors and illustrators are setting 10 minute challenges daily. You can learn all about the author or illustrator, their work and get some top tips for your writing. Will you take on the challenge today? 



100 Free Resources!!

 TES have compiled a list of the top 100 free resources which cover a range of subjects and year groups. From Drama to French, Literacy to ICT, there are resources for everything you can think of! 

Take a look! 


You can still access all previous home learning by downloading the document "Prior Learning - The Three Snow Bears" from Summer Term Week 5

New Mini Mission! Castaway! 

 This half term we have a new mini mission called Castaway! For this mini mission, we need to think like real life explorers and imagine what it is like being stranded on a desert island! The objectives for this mini mission are:
• Ask and raise their own scientific questions
• Use first-hand practical experiences to find answers
• Gather and record data using diagrams, words and charts
• Perform simple tests
• Observe closely
• Discuss what they have found out
• Use simple equipment
• Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses
• Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, stretching and twisting
• Design products for others and themselves that are purposeful, functional and appealing
• Generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through talking, drawing, templates and ICT
• Build structures, exploring ways to stiffen, stabilise and strengthen
• Select from and use a wide range of materials and components according to their characteristics
• Select from and use a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks
• Evaluate own ideas and designs against given design criteria
• Explore and evaluate a range of existing products





 Keep your eyes peeled! More information coming soon! 


Week Beginning Monday 22nd June (Week 4)

2D shapes - This week in Maths we learning all about 2D shapes, shapes that are flat. We need to know what each shape it is called and it's properties! Start by looking at the website below to learn about what a 2D shape is, where we can find 2D shapes and some their properties. Then have a go at the worksheets below! 






When you have completed worksheets 1 and 2, you will need to learn all about symmetry. Below are some links to help you! 




The Explorer, Chapters 1 and 2 - In the videos above, I have started to read Katherine Ruddle's book, The Explorer. Our literacy lessons this week focus on these two chapters. I have attached the first two chapters if you would like to read it for yourself! 

First of all, can you infer what is happening in Chapter 1? There is some tricky language and the author is using "Show not tell" to give us clues about what is happening. Using your detective skills, can you infer what is happening? 

In Chapter 2, we find out that the children are all safe and that they are going to work as a group to survive on the island. Can you predict what might happen in the story? Will the children find someone else on the island? Will they see any animals? Most importantly, will they manage to get home? 

There are lots of characters introduced to us in the first 2 chapters. For the third lesson, can you use the information that is given to draw what you think one of these characters will look like? You will need to refer to the videos above or the text to find the information! 

We are very good at using unusual language in Year 2. Katherine certainly uses some tricky phrases in these first two chapters! Using your own knowledge, a dictionary and other books you might have read, can you guess what the author means by the tricky phrases? I had to use a dictionary to check some of the words! 


Phonics - For those of you who would like to practice your phonics, I have included some Set 3 phonics resources below. As the saying goes "it you don't use it, you lose it!" 


Mini Mission: Materials - This week we are learning about different materials and how they are suitable to do different jobs. If your house was made of paper, what would happen? Could you cook your dinner if your oven was made of glass? 

First of all take a lot in the area around you, what materials can you see and what have they been used for? Next have a think about what makes those materials suitable for the job they have been given.


How do you think people discover new uses for materials? Learn all about John McAdam and what material he discovered and how important its job is! Here is a clue... you can see this material on your way to school and it helps your parents get to work safely and in a quicker way!  



Week Beginning Monday 15th June (Week 3)

Money - This week in Maths we learning all about money. We need to know what each coin and note is worth. Start by looking at the counting money worksheets to practice this. When you feel confident, have a go at counting notes and coins together! 


If I go to the shop to buy sweets and they cost 20p, what coins could I give the shop keeper? We can use different coins to make the same amount of money. I could give them a 20p, two 10ps or even four 5ps! Have a look at the making the same amount worksheets. 


Working independently - For those of you who love to be kept busy and enjoy working independently, I have included some booklets you can work through on your own. My Activity Book and the KS1 English and Maths booklets are full of the skills you need to know by the end of this year. Although we are not doing SATs (Yippeee!) these skills will still help you as you move up to Year 3.  


Building a shelter - Because we are stranded on a desert island, we need to find somewhere safe for us to stay! This week, have a go at building your own shelter. It could be for you, your brothers or sisters or even your toys! Take a look at the example leaflets about building a shelter or the Top Tips lesson plan for ideas.  

If you fancy showing off your shelters, take a photo and send them to me and I can post them on here! 


When you have had a go at making your own shelter, can you make your own leaflet to demonstrate how you made it. It could be a labelled picture like the Survival Shelters leaflet example or it could be in simple steps like Building a Shelter leaflet example. 



Summer Term 2 Week 5 Resources - Castaway!

Showing 11-14 of 14

Summer Term 2 Week 4 Resources - Castaway!

Showing 31-31 of 31

Summer Term 2 Week 4 Resources - Phonics Practice

Showing 11-20 of 20

Summer Term 2 Week 3 Learning Grids

Showing 1-2 of 2

Summer Term 2 Week 3 Resources - Castaway!

Showing 21-25 of 25

I am still contactable by email but may not reply straight away as I am back in school now. Please bare with me! I will always get back to you :)

New Mini Mission

Happy, Healthy Me! 

We have a short, new mini mission to start this half term. It is called Happy, Healthy Me! What can we do to keep our bodies healthy? I know it is very tricky during lock down, especially when we have all been baking delicious cakes! But hopefully it has given you some time to practice your favourite sport, learn to ride your bike or perform some dancing. This mini mission will help us learn what our bodies need to remain healthy, what different types of food their are and what exercise does to our bodies. It is also a great chance to learn how to cook healthy meals for your family.

Take a look at the objectives below: 

  • Use first-hand practical experiences to find answers
  • Gather and record data using diagrams, words and charts
  • Perform simple tests
  • Observe closely
  • Discuss what they have found out
  • Use simple equipment
  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food, air)
  • Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene
  • Use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes
  • Understand where food comes from

Now school has started to open, more teachers are attending school to help look after the groups of children returning. Because of this, I will not be posting everyday. But do not worry, I will make sure there is enough loaded onto the website to keep you busy!


Week 1 Beginning 1st June - Week 2 Beginning 8th June

Maths - Over the next two weeks, we are going to be looking at how to record data using pictograms. A pictogram is similar to a bar chart but you draw pictures to represent how many objects or people you are counting. Below are a range of questions which will help you learn how to read a pictograph. Make sure you read the information carefully! Not all of the pictures represent just one person!  

When you are confident, have a go at using the information to draw your own pictograms. There are some worksheets to help you, including a template if you are struggling to structure your graphs. 

Maybe you could create your own based on how many red, blue or green cars you see or take a look in your garden and create a pictogram on how many blackbirds, robins or sparrows you can see!


Basic Needs - To start our mini mission, we are going to be looking at what animals need to survive and remain healthy. Below are some powerpoints with information, some cards to play a matching game and some activity sheets. If you are looking after a pet, what would you need to buy? Is there anything special they might need? Have a go at the basic needs activity sheet and then try designing a pet home.  


Healthy Eating - We all love a chocolate bar or a delicious cake... but what do we need to eat to stay healthy? If we were to create the perfect, healthy plate, what would it look like? Have a go at sorting the healthy eating food cards into foods you think are healthy and foods you think are not healthy. Then take a look at the Healthy Eating Powerpoint to see if you were correct.  

Your challenge is to record a healthy eating journal in your green books. What do you have to eat in a week? Is there anything you could swap to make your diet healthier? Take a look at the Sample Journal for ideas! 


Exploring Exercise - I know lots of you take part in after school clubs. From dancing to football to martial arts, you are all busy bees! But what does exercise do to our bodies? Is it really good for us? Have a look at the exploring exercise recording sheet and record some exercises you do at home and notice what happens to your body! Do you get hotter or colder? Do you feel sweaty or tired? Really take notice of how your body feels.  


Half Term Week Beginning 25th May

 You have all worked so incredibly hard at home and I know your parents have been too. This week take some time to enjoy the sunshine and some fresh air (at a responsible distance!) and make the most of your time at home. It can be tricky keeping the whole family amused without going out or spending lots of money so I have tried to find some activities you can do as a team, individually or outside! Below is a pack of activity ideas for half term that you might enjoy and hopefully there are some you would never have thought of! 

Also, take a look at the Newsround website where they have suggested 100 free ideas you can do at home. 


Please stay safe, look after each other and make sure you have lots of fun! I want to hear all about what you have been up to! 


Saturday 23rd May

I know it is Saturday but I have found this brilliant resource to help you do something fun this evening. The RSPB are doing a Wild Sleepout, lockdown style! This evening, why not get into your PJs, get your torches ready and join in the fun. Wouldn't it be amazing for all of Deers class to have videos and photos from this event to share? I will certainly be joining in! I shall post my videos and photos on here. 


The fun starts at 4:00pm!


Free Audio Books

I know lots of you really enjoy David Walliams books because they are so funny! Every day this month he releasing an audio story from The World's Worst Children. Simply click on the link below to listen! 







At Oakfield we follow theRead, Write, Inc scheme of learning from Ruth Miskin - Read, Write, Inc. are doing daily phonics lessons Via Youtube and Facebook. 

RWI Phonics lessons at home from Monday 23rd March on Facebook and YouTube:
Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm
Note: films won’t be available at other times



Miss Robinson Recommends....

As most of you know, I absolutely love reading! I know that all of Deers Class love reading too! When we are in school I enjoy our discussions about books we have read and I am always really keen to hear your suggestions of books I could read that you have enjoyed. 

During this time at home, I will post some books I can recommend for you based on what I know about you! Where I can, I will post links to where you can watch the books being read. If you have any suggestions for me, unfortunately you can not post them here but you can post them on the Oakfield Primary Academy Facebook page. I would love to hear what your reading! 

In the meantime, keep watching for new suggestions! 





March's Book Recommendations

Showing 1-6 of 6

April's Book Recommendations

Showing 1-9 of 9

Week beginning Monday 27th April - Charlotte's Web by E. B. White



This book is quite an old book now as it was first published in 1952! However it is still a brilliant book for children. I loved this book as a child because it is a heart - warming story about friendship and adventure, a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. The reason I have put "week beginning Monday 27th April" is because, unlike some of the other books I have suggested, it is a long chapter book and takes a little while to read. But trust me... it is worth it! 


  • What kind of spider do you think Charlotte is? Do some research into different spider species and try to work out what type of spider she is. Can you write the information with headings in your green book? If you would like a bit of help, below is a Charlotte spider research sheet to help you. 
  • We have been practising putting things into chronological order on timelines in history. Can you use this technique to order the events of the story? Below is a timeline sheet if you need a template or practise your ruler skills and draw one in your book. 
  • What adjectives would you use to describe each of the characters? Are they funny, kind, motherly? Below are some sheets with lists of adjectives to describe the characters. Colour the words that you think best describe the character in the picture. If you want to extend your learning, have a go at writing your own character description of that character. 


Monday 11th May- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


This book was recommended to me by my very good friend. She absolutely loves this book and will read it time and time again. It is written in first person and tells you the story of an extraordinary boy called Percy. What I really like about this book is that Percy, the author talks directly to the reader making you feel involved in the story. Full of monsters, gods and magic this is definitely not a book to start before bedtime. You won't be able to put it down! 


  • Pick a scene or character from the Lightning Thief and illustrate it on poster board or large piece of paper. How can you make it as dramatic as in the book? 
  • Discuss with your siblings or write in your green book which god you would want to be your parent if you were a half-blood, and why you would want that god to be your parent.
  • Write ten questions that you would ask Percy if you could interview him.
  • Create a glossary of gods and mythological creatures.

Tuesday 12th May- Ladybird Tales of Adventurous Girls by Ladybird Publishers 

I recently discovered this book whilst looking for ideas of books to read to the class. I know we are told to "never judge a book by it's cover" but that is exactly what I did! The brightly coloured illustrations made me investigate this book further. The second thing that made me want to read it was the introduction. It is written by an author many of you like, Jacqueline Wilson! Inside this book is just as beautiful as the outside and you get 6 stories instead of just one! 

Each story is about a powerful girl who has amazing adventures and turns into a hero. What I found particularly interesting is, like Deers class, it is made up of stories from all around the world! 


  • What other stories do you know with powerful, strong girls in? It could be in a book, a film or someone from history. Make a list and research about them. What makes them special? 
  • Would you recommend any of these stories to a friend? If so why? Can you write your own book recommendation?
  • Normally in fairy tales it is a male character that saves the damsel in distress. Sleeping beauty, Cinderella,  Rapunzel all have knights or princes who come to their rescue. Can you change the story so that it is the princess who saves the male character? Draw your own story map / cartoon strip to show what would happen.


Wednesday 13th May- Beegu by Alexis Deacon



This book is very popular with lots of Key Stage 1 teachers. I know it is taught in lots of school and I am not surprised! It is such a lovely story about friendship and belonging. Beegu should not really be on plant Earth and finds herself feeling very lonely. When she meets a group of adults, they are not very welcoming or kind. Will she find someone to make her feel welcome? 


  • What would you do if Beegu asked for their help? Would you invite her to your house or introduce her to your friends? Write or draw your ideas in your green book
  • Pick out images from the book and think of three questions about each image. If I look at the front cover, my first question would be where is Beegu from? My next question would be Does she know what the leaf is? 
  • Pretend to be Beegu and create a holiday leaflet or poster to convince your parents to go to Earth. How would you persuade them to go? 

Summer Term 2 Week 1 and 2 Learning Pack

Showing 21-22 of 22

Half Term Activity Ideas

Showing 21-22 of 22

Summer Term Week 5 Learning Pack

Showing 21-23 of 23

Summer Term Week 4 Learning Pack

Showing 11-17 of 17

Phonics Revision Resources

Showing 11-12 of 12

Summer Term Week 3 Learning Pack

Showing 31-37 of 37

Summer Term Week 1 and Week 2 Learning Pack

Showing 51-53 of 53

Spring Term 2 Home Learning Pack and Resources

Showing 11-15 of 15